Wesbrook eagles’ nest permit update

For the complete history of the Wesbrook eagles’ nest, please review the resources linked below.

March 14, 2024 – UBC Properties Trust applies to extend coning permit to protect Wesbrook eagles’ nest 

March 27, 2023 – Eagles’ nest and Wesbrook Place development

Wesbrook eagles’ nest timeline

Construction on Lot 6 is not yet complete. As a result, UBC Properties Trust applied for a one-year extension of the permit that allowed a temporary cone to be placed on the Wesbrook eagles’ nest to protect it from the impacts of ongoing Lot 6 construction activity. The Ministry of Forests has granted an extension of the permit until September 2026.

All development activity in Wesbrook Place continues to be subject to the Protected Species Management Plan developed in 2017. Each development site is assessed to determine specific mitigation strategies to ensure compliance with provincial regulations.  An updated document will be linked here late summer.