Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory
A highly technical, experienced team was necessary to bring innovative features to a space allowing for collaboration, innovation, and discovery beyond the depths of our deepest oceans.
The Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory (AERL) is a 53,000 sf, 4-storey facility that brings three existing research units under one roof: the UBC Fisheries Centre (FC), The Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) and the B.C. Fisheries Research Unit (BCFU).
The 4-storey open atrium provides the space for interdisciplinary research groups to connect. Housing both wet lab and dry lab facilities, the building also includes an Immersion Lab that analyzes real-time dynamic modelling of complex ecosystem behaviour.
Offices, a lecture hall, a library and meeting rooms are scattered throughout. The design strategies used focus on sustainability — the four-storey glass atrium brings daylight deep into the interior and pulls air into the building, limiting our dependency on conventional ventilation, air conditioning and artificial lighting.