Webber Lane waterway partially opens

We understand that many residents of Wesbrook Place are interested in the ongoing repairs to the Webber Lane waterway. We are pleased to announce that the waterway is partially open following repairs. The work in addressing the waterway’s original leakage discovered in 2022 is complete. However, during testing, water loss continued in certain areas. The exact location of leaks required further investigation.

We have repaired most of the channels and localized the leaks to one remaining area just south of Gray Avenue and are working diligently on testing and finalizing the repairs to this channel. Additionally, equipment in Nobel Park and Mundell Park ponds will be replaced to restore the water pressure.

The blue fencing in place in Mundell Park protecting new grass seed has now been removed, and the area is open for park users once again.

All sections of the waterway not impacted by water loss will be operational for residents and visitors to enjoy including the ponds at Mundell Park and Nobel Park.

We appreciate your continued understanding and patience as we work towards a thorough and lasting solution.